Who has your resume?

Who has your resume?

Who has your resume? That document has become more crucial in today’s competitive job market. It is your first impression of potential employers, showcasing your skills, experience, and qualifications. A well-crafted resume is essential, highlighting your strengths and setting you apart from the crowd. It’s a vital tool in your job search, and with the right approach, it can open doors to exciting opportunities. Whether you’re a recent graduate or a seasoned professional, a compelling resume can make all the difference in securing that dream job.

Searching for employment is so painful that many people stay in positions longer than they should or want to avoid the pain of a job search. A tipping point is reached when the pain of staying in the job or being unemployed becomes too great. Then, the job search seriously begins. A common strategy is to leave no stone unturned to get the pain over as quickly as possible.

Searching for a new job is a significant head game. If you are the person searching, regardless of your motivation, there are many factors you’re considering: Is the work something you will enjoy? Does the work have meaning? Will the job and employer stimulate you – intellectually and professionally? Does the employer offer stability? Is there room for growth – personal and professional? And so on.

What a job seeker often encounters, however, are poorly written job descriptions, a general lack of disclosure about the company and the responsibilities of the position, and a definite lack of transparency about the interview and selection process. A poorly written job description makes gathering the information necessary to answer your questions challenging.

If you use a resume board such as Monster, CareerBuilder, or Dice – to list a few- are you aware that companies and recruiters use web crawlers to harvest resumes for their databases? This isn’t terrible, but it isn’t great either.

In the past week, I have talked with multiple candidates who were submitted to jobs by third-party recruiters, and they didn’t even know which employers were receiving their resumes. The candidate is partly at fault in this situation.

Candidates have the right to know which jobs they are being submitted for. It is amazing how many candidates tell me that recruiters routinely won’t disclose the hiring company. No legitimate business reason is why any recruiter should withhold the client company’s name if the company engages them. An exception might be an extremely confidential search, in which case the company name should be disclosed once the company has confirmed interest in knowing more about the candidate. Recruiters have a fiduciary duty to all candidates they represent. Anyone asking to represent you to a potential employer must act in good faith and honesty. All candidates should insist on this minimum level of service from a recruiter. Candidates should ask such simple questions as:  Who are you representing? What is your relationship with the hiring company? Have you made any placements with this company? What type of positions and when? What is the anticipated timeline for a hiring decision? What is the interviewing process? If candidates aren’t asking recruiters these questions, they surrender control of their resume and, subsequently, the positions and companies they are applying to.

Recruiters that refuse to disclose their clients or act transparently are not providing service to the candidate or client, but that is another article…

For more than 20 years, Work/Life Recruiting has made it our practice not to disclose any candidate’s information without their prior permission.

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