Seeking a new job?
Let’s get started.
Our recruiters are trained to assist candidates seeking direct-hire, temporary, project, or permanent placement in the Life Science and Medical-related industries.
For us, recruiting is about building a relationship based on trust and confidence. We only work with hiring partners that share our values, and we only offer positions that match your career track. When you work with a Work/Life recruiter, you can expect:
- Straightforward, accurate and timely communication throughout the entire recruitment process
- Accurate job descriptions
- Career development services including:
- Interview preparation
- A transferable candidate assessment packet that you can use to showcase your strengths to our hiring partners and beyond
Are you ready to stand out?
- Life Sciences
- Pharmaceutical
- Biotechnology
- Medical Devices
- Industrial
- Analytical Instruments – Test & Measurement Instruments
- Automation Technologies
- Component suppliers to OEMs
Types of jobs we represent
- Engineering
- New product development
- Sustaining Engineering
- Process / CI / Lean
- Manufacturing
- Compliance / Regulatory
- Production/Operations
- Operations Management
- Supply Chain
- Quality Assurance/Control
- Regulatory Affairs
- Research & Development
- Bioinformatics
- Data Science
- Marketing
- Digital
- Market & Product Management
- Sales
- Pre-sales
- Business Development
- Customer Satisfaction / Success
- Application Engineering
- Operations
- Management